We are a collegial group who delight in intellectual pursuits, participate in social and artistic events, and actively contribute to society through philanthropy and community service.

Original Concept

The Club was founded in 1934 by retired college faculty, clergymen, lawyers, physicians, and other similarly educated individuals to hold regular meetings for discussion and fellowship. The founders sought to create an organization distinct from other university clubs, deliberately excluding business networking. Instead, they envisioned a space where educational and cultural activities could thrive, ideas could be explored and challenged, and people of all political and socioeconomic backgrounds would be welcomed in an egalitarian environment.

What We Do

Members have numerous opportunities to engage in various activities, including discussion groups, lectures, language practice, movie and documentary viewings and discussion, and participation in the chorus, trivia, exercises, and games. Members can contribute by making presentations, leading groups, or assisting in the Club’s operations through roles such as chairing committees or performing hands-on tasks like greeting guests, pouring wine, and decorating tables. Participation is entirely voluntary, with no pressure to join in. The primary aim is to enjoy the exchange of ideas and the sense of fellowship.






Events / year


Books and Videos